Providing a wide range of services and expertise to deliver the demolition, slab and foundation removal of the Poplar Riverside regeneration project.
Client: St. William
Project Value: £1m
Date of Completion: 2024

Appointed by St William for the second phase of the Poplar Riverside regeneration project. Toureen provided a wide range of services and expertise to deliver the demolition, slab and foundation removal processing to a site won 6f2 product, the cut and fill (to achieve piling mat formation level), and the formation of piling mats and piling.
The project was located on a former Gas Works and Gas Tank Storage Site which meant working on and within contaminated ground with strict adherence to the remediation strategy.
Due the versatility of the delivery team, additional areas of work were commissioned, with deep level drainage and haul roads also successfully constructed and handed over to the St. Williams Operational Team.